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hit and run in oregonAt the Law Offices of Jon Friedman, our Oregon auto accident attorneys know that getting hit by a negligent driver can take anyone by surprise. Once the vehicle comes to a stop, and you have a moment to assess your injuries, the last thing you want to see when you step out of your car is that the other vehicle left the scene of the crash.

If there is no other driver to hold liable for the collision, who is going to pay for your damages? We have answers.

Who is Going to Pay for the Damages that Result from an Oregon Hit and Run Accident?

In Oregon, it is illegal to drive without liability insurance coverage. In Oregon, the minimum legal requirements for liability insurance include uninsured motorist coverage.

This coverage is meant to protect you from paying for your damages out of pocket under multiple crash and injury circumstances, including:

  • Getting hit and injured by an uninsured driver.
  • Getting hit and injured by a hit and run driver.
  • Getting hit and injured as a pedestrian.
  • An accident caused by a “phantom vehicle” that causes injury, death, or damage without making physical contact.

If you are injured in an accident caused by a hit and run driver, your insurance coverage will provide coverage up to the limits of your uninsured motorist policy.

What is the Minimum Vehicle Insurance Coverage Requirement in Oregon?

The minimum insurance a driver must have on their vehicle in Oregon is:

Bodily injury and property damage liability:

  • $25,000 per person.
  • $50,000 per crash for bodily injury to others.
  • $20,000 per crash for damage to others’ property.

Personal injury protection:

  • $15,000 per person.

Uninsured motorist coverage:

  • $25,000 per person.
  • $50,000 per crash for bodily injury.

It is important to note that just because you are pursuing your insurance coverage for your hit and run damages, does not mean your insurance provider is not going to put up a fight to undervalue or deny your claim.

Contact us Our Car Accident Attorneys at the Law Offices of Jon Friedman Today

Before speaking with the insurance company, contact our Multnomah County car accident attorneys at the Law Offices of Jon Friedman at (503) 242-1440 to schedule a free consultation and get the help you need to pursue the best outcome for your circumstances.

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