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Our Oregon personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Jon Friedman know that when individuals and families are injured because of another person or party’s negligence, they have many questions about moving forward.

How am I going to pay for my mounting medical bills? When can I go back to work? What happens if I cannot go back to work? Once injury victims speak with an experienced personal injury attorney to understand their legal rights and options to file a claim, the next question is usually, “How long will it take to settle my claim?”

The answer is that it depends on your unique case. Ideally, you fully recover from your injuries and we can resolve your claim without filing a lawsuit. If that is not possible, here are a few things personal injury victims should know about the legal process and stages necessary to reach a fair outcome.

Understanding the Oregon Personal Injury Process and Legal Stages

Personal injury

While all personal injury cases are unique, including the circumstances that caused the incidents, the injuries that resulted, and how those injuries have impacted our clients’ lives, generally speaking, each case has five potential legal stages.

They include:

  • The Complaint Stage.

When our Oregon personal injury lawyers cannot settle the case without filing a lawsuit, we will file a complaint to begin the litigation process officially. This complaint is typically sent directly to the negligent party’s insurance company but must be served to the at-fault party.

  • The Response Stage.

The at-fault party’s insurance company typically has 30 days to make an appearance.

  • The Discovery Stage.

Discovery allows our personal injury attorneys to analyze the complete case evidence and gather facts that will help strengthen each of our client’s cases. Examining evidence and building a strong case takes time. The more supporting evidence we discover, the more likely we are to force the insurance company’s hand to offer a fair settlement to our client’s claim. Discovery will likely include requests for production and admission, and depositions (sworn statements given under oath).

  • The Negotiations or Jury Trial Stage.

Our personal injury lawyer will initially focus on pursuing a fair settlement for each client’s case to achieve a financial resolution outside the courtroom. If we cannot achieve superior results through negotiations, we will proceed to trial before a judge and jury.

While the timing for each case differs, our Oregon personal injury lawyer will be with you every step of the way — no matter how long it takes.

If you have been injured because of another party’s negligence, before speaking with the insurance company, contact our Multnomah County personal injury attorneys at the Law Offices of Jon Friedman at (503) 242-1440 to schedule a free consultation and get the help you need to make informed decisions about the direction of your case.

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