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At the Law Offices of Jon Friedman, our Oregon personal injury attorneys know truck accidents can have devastating consequences due to the size and weight of these vehicles compared to the much smaller passenger vehicles they collide with.

Here, we discuss the types of truck accidents, why they occur, and why the injuries are often catastrophic.

Why Many Different Types of Large Truck Accidents Occur on Oregon Roadways

Oregon Roadways

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration reported that 5,788 people were killed in large truck traffic crashes last year — a 17% increase from the previous year. Of that number, 72% percent of people killed in large-truck traffic crashes were occupants of other vehicles.

The National Safety Council reported 117,300 large trucks were involved in crashes resulting in injuries last year. When large commercial vehicles are involved in non-fatal crashes, the resulting injuries are often catastrophic, no matter where the impact occurs to the other car.

Including truck accidents resulting from:

  • Rear-End Collisions

When a truck rear-ends a passenger, it is often the result of a truck driver’s failure to brake in time, which can cause significant damage and injuries to the smaller vehicle’s occupants.

  • Jackknife Accidents

A jackknife accident occurs when a truck’s cab and trailer fold in on each other, forming a “V” shape. This can happen when the truck driver loses control, often leading to multiple collisions with other vehicles.

  • Underride Accidents

In an underride accident, a smaller vehicle becomes trapped under the rear or side of a truck’s trailer. These accidents often result in catastrophic injuries or fatalities to the smaller vehicle’s occupants.

  • Rollover Accidents

Trucks, especially those carrying heavy or unbalanced loads, are prone to rollover accidents. These accidents can result in injuries to the truck driver and others on the road.

  • Cargo Spills

If a truck’s cargo is secured correctly, it can spill onto the road, creating hazardous conditions and causing accidents that injure other drivers and pedestrians.

  • Tire Blowouts

When a truck’s tire blows out, it can cause the driver to lose control of the vehicle, leading to accidents. These accidents can result in injuries to the truck driver and other drivers and pedestrians nearby.

  • Wide Turns

Large trucks need more space to make turns and can collide with vehicles in adjacent lanes if they do not take proper precautions. These accidents can cause injuries to both the truck driver and other motorists.

  • Blind Spot Accidents

Trucks have substantial blind spots, and accidents can occur when a truck driver fails to see a smaller vehicle in their blind spot while changing lanes or merging.

  • Weather-Related Accidents

Adverse weather conditions such as rain, snow, or ice can make it challenging for truck drivers to maintain control, increasing the likelihood of accidents and injuries. Accidents are more likely to occur when truck drivers are driving too fast for the conditions.

  • Mechanical Failures

Brake failures, steering problems, or other mechanical issues can lead to accidents that result in significant personal injuries because the failure often occurs without notice.

  • Truck Accidents Caused by Negligence

Multiple forms of truck driver negligence can lead to catastrophic accidents, injuries, and fatalities throughout Oregon and nationwide.

  • Fatigued truck drivers may fall asleep at the wheel or have slower reaction times, increasing the risk of accidents and injuries.
  • Like other drivers, truck drivers can become distracted by texting, eating, or using electronic devices, leading to accidents.
  • Truck drivers operating under the influence of alcohol or drugs can cause accidents, resulting in injuries.

Contact Our Experienced Truck Accident Lawyers in Oregon for Help Today

If you have been injured or lost a loved one in a truck accident in Oregon, contact our Multnomah County attorneys at the Law Offices of Jon Friedman at (503)-242-1440 or online today to schedule a free consultation and get the help you need to make informed decisions about the direction of your case.

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