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Portland Burn Injury Attorney – Highly Visible And Devastating Injury

Here at the Law Offices of Jon Friedman, we provide legal services for the victims of accidents that were not their own fault. We deal with many burn injury victims and have been able to gain substantial damages for our many satisfied burn injury clients over the last few years. We operate throughout the Portland, OR, area and recommend that you contact us as soon as possible after an accident.

Portland Burn Injury Attorneys

Causes of Burns are Numerous

There are many accidents that take place which involve burning of the skin, which include:

  • a commercial kitchen where there is exposure to electrical appliances, hot fat, steaming water and naked flames
  • a construction site where there is exposure to a variety of combustible substances and electrical hazards which can inflict serious burns
  • oil and gas extraction sites that involve regular contact with naked flames and combustible substances
  • the chemical industry
  • a private residence which may have gas and electrical appliances that when malfunctioning or misused could cause severe burning.

Minor Burn Injuries May Still Be a Burden To The Accident Victim

When we start to feel pain, without a second thought, we will withdraw the part of the body that is being affected. If we are affected by a burn injury that is minor we might immerse the affected area in water to cool down the skin. Eventually, the outer part of the skin, which is often referred to as the epidermis, will regrow and the skin will heal with no noticeable after effect.

Causes of Burn Injuries

Burn injuries often occur:

  • in the workplace
  • in auto accidents
  • when fires break outs in structures
  • after electrocution
  • as thermal burns
  • as chemical burns.

Injuries from Electrical Burns

Electrical burn injuries take place when exposed to electricity generating at high voltage. When working in an electrical environment then this sort of injury is common. The burn injury results from electric current flowing throughout the body then causing a serious exit wound, very high voltage may cause the beating of the heart to stop and the victim will die.

Burn Injuries from Flammable Clothes

If clothing is flammable, it can be very dangerous as it may spread through the clothing and initiate severe burning throughout the body.

Thermal Burns

These take place when a person comes into contact with flames, steam, hot surfaces or liquids, and where the temperature is at least 115o F. Thermal burn injuries could take place in a job situation.

Vehicle Fires and Burns

Auto fires could take place in auto accidents where gas has ignited or a petrol tank has exploded. In these situations, the driver and any passengers could sustain serious burns.

Chemical Burns

Coming into intimate contact with strong bases or acids can cause burning. Often powerful chemicals are utilized in laboratories and put those working there at risk of burning. Those chemicals that are particularly powerful at contact will dissolve the skin when it is too late to do anything about it.

Types of injuries & fractures, our Law Offices of Jon Friedman focus on include:

At The Law Offices Of Jon Friedman, Our Portland Personal Injury Attorneys Also Focus On The Following Practice Areas:

Effects of Serious Burns

When any skin is severely burned, it becomes scarred and might cause disfigurement to the individual concerned.

There are too many dreadful consequences of severe burning that could be mentioned including the necessity to transplant skin from another part of the body so as to help to mask the scarring. Despite this loss, the sensitivity of the skin is removed, including our sense of touch. Our ability to perspire normally may be lost also as the skin once burned will lose this useful characteristic. Once severely burned, the skin loses its ability to ward off infections and becomes a breeding ground for the development of bacteria.

All types of burns may be devastating and change your life forever. Disfigurement is hard to conceal but, if it is visible, may have an effect on job opportunities.

Contact Our Burn Injury Attorneys in Portland For a Free Consultation

If you or one of your family members has sustained a burn that is debilitating and was not your fault, you should contact an experienced Portland burn injury attorney to discuss your situation and decide if you are eligible to put in for a compensation claim. All compensation claims include an amount for any financial burdens you have to carry as a result of your injuries now and into the future, as well as medical expenses and any ongoing support you may need to ensure the quality of your life.

If you or a loved one is in need of a skilled and experienced burn injury attorney in the Portland area, please contact the Law Offices of Jon Friedman now at (503) 242-1440 for your free, confidential assessment.

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